Our Innovations

"Kafue National Park, Zambia"
.© Sebastian Kennerknecht

Panthera is committed to implementing effective conservation actions and programs based on the best available science. In many cases, our scientists are not just using conservation data — they’re creating and contributing to it. From improving and making more cost-effective wildlife-detecting cameras to using advanced artificial intelligence to analyze wildlife photos, Panthera and our supporters recognize that innovation is worth the investment.

Poacher cam set up on tree trunk
© Panthera


Poachers are decimating wildlife populations. Panthera’s revolutionary technology fights back.

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Conservationist, Xia Stevens, teaching anti-poaching scouts about SMART program, Sioma, western Zambia
© Sebastian Kennerknecht

SMART: Using Data to Prevent Poaching

Panthera uses data and technology to save wild cats.

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Mountain Lion in dry puna, Abra Granada, Andes, northwestern Argentina Mountain Lion female in front of mountains, Torres del Paine, Torres del Paine National Park, Patagonia, Chile
© Sebastian Kennerknecht

Applied Science

Remote sensing, landscape ecology and quantitative ecology are rapidly evolving. Here’s how Panthera keeps up.

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Snow leopard approaching camera
© Panthera / Kaiberen / NCMRD / SAEF / NAS / UW

Integrated Data Systems (IDS)

Panthera IDS helps process, manage and interrogate data collected by scientists.

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