In Costa Rica, Panthera has focused on consolidating the Jaguar Corridor Initiative. Mainly, work is carried out on the Atlantic slope, in the most vulnerable sites throughout the region: the connections between the Central Volcanic Mountain Range and the Talamanca Mountain Range and between the Central Volcanic Mountain Range and southeastern Nicaragua. Projects are being developed in these areas, which are intended to be implemented in the other jaguar corridors throughout Mesoamerica.
Currently, these pilot projects are focused on the following subjects: use of camera traps to monitor wild cat populations in Jaguar Conservation Units and biological corridors, implementation of anti-predation strategies to reduce conflict between wild cats and domestic animals, monitoring of roads and other infrastructure to measure their impact on wildlife, collection of scat samples using a trained dog in order to use them for genetic analysis and finally, conservation politics through collaborative work with the government and other NGOs and entities. At the regional level, a site security project has just started with the purpose of collecting data related to wildlife trafficking.
To date, our achievements include:
123 farms with anti-predation measures implemented;
12 model farms built;
655 km walked by Tigre (our scat-detection dog);
443 samples found by Tigre;
Evaluation of the impact of one hydroelectric and one geothermal project;
Monitoring of ten roads to measure impact and propose mitigation actions; and
Creation of the first Wildlife Friendly Roads manual with partners.
National System of Conservation Areas of the Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica (SINAC-MINAE)
Unidad de Atención de Conflictos con Felinos (UACFel)