Private Investor and Philanthropist
Diana Gomez Kopp currently serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors of MEMO SAS, a family-owned enterprise in agricultural production and real estate development in the Bogota area. She has steered the company towards significant growth in production, improved land and soil management and significantly increased housing options for lower- and middle-income families through real estate development initiatives. In addition, she has held leadership positions in other businesses in Colombia, including SUYO SAS, Lumni Colombia, Ecosistema Educativo VANSA SAS, Cartagena Shrimp Company, among others.
While her career started in the financial sector in New York, at Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs, she then transitioned to the real estate sector in Colombia, working both as an executive and as an investor in early-stage start-ups. Her portfolio encompasses investments in almost 20 entities across industries, but the common thread is technology, which catalyzes growth.
Her philanthropy in Colombia has included being the founding member of Panthera Colombia, initially as a member of the Council of Friends and more recently as a Board Member, Endeavor Colombia, an organization that supports high-impact entrepreneurs around the world and Squash Urbano Colombia, a squash and education program for vulnerable youth in Cartagena.
Diana has also held positions as a Board Member (Trustee) at the Colegio Nueva Granada in Bogota, the United Nations International School (UNIS) in New York and The Hotchkiss School in Lakeville, CT.
Diana earned a BA from Harvard University in Government and an MBA from Harvard Business School, focusing primarily in Finance and Investment Management.