— Northern Pantanal (Jofre Velho Ranch, Alan Rabinowitz Research Center and Fazenda São Bento)
— Southern Pantanal (Collaborators: Fazenda San Francisco and Refugio Ecológico Caiman/Onçafari)
— Southern Amazon in Juruena region (Sao Marcelo Cattle Ranch, Juruena, MT)
Panthera Brasil focuses on four pillars:
Long-term research with neotropical cats;
Development of actions to mitigate human-cat conflict;
Education and social support for Pantanal riverside communities; and
Monitoring and development of best practices for jaguar-oriented tourism in the Pantanal.
Panthera has worked in the Pantanal for more than 12 years and in the southern portion of the Amazon Rainforest for the last three years. We have partnerships with several non-governmental organizations and a close relationship with governmental environmental institutions. Panthera is a member of the council of protected areas near the state and national parks in which we operate as well as the Regional Council of the Pantanal Biosphere Reserve, a UNESCO site.
Panthera participates directly in the Action Plans for Conservation of Brazilian wild cats, which are led by federal agency CENAP-ICMBio. Panthera Brasil also partners with private cattle ranchers and tourism operators. This permanent dialogue makes possible important advances in local jaguar conservation.
Panthera Brasil manages Fazenda Jofre Velho, one of the most important research bases in the Pantanal. During its 15 years operating in Brasil, Panther has produced dozens of scientific publications, book chapters and full-length books. Panthera has an esteemed scientific reputation in Brasil and is recognized for providing practical, scalable actions for jaguar conservation and jaguar-cattle conflict resolution.
Non-Government Partners
Onçafari & Refugio Ecológico Caiman
Fazenda San Francisco
Instituto Homem Pantaneiro
Jaguar ID Project
Giant Otter Project
Aecopan-Associação Civil do Ecoturismo do Pantanal Norte
Government Partners
CENAP-ICMBio (National Predator Center of the Ministry of the Environment)
Secretaria Estadual de Meio Ambiente — SEMA, MT
Secretaria Estadual de Turismo — SEDTUR, MT
Regional Council of the Pantanal Biosphere Reserve
PMA — Policia Militar Ambiental (Environmental Military Police)
GEFRON Grupo Especial de Fronteiras (Frontier Guarding Military Police)
Corpo de Bombeiros MT e MS (Military Firefighters Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul States)