What’s a Ranger? A Look into the Lives of Wildlife Rangers

By Panthera

Lion in Zambia

Across the globe, an inspiring force of dedicated conservationists stands by the side of wildlife species. Scaling mountains, traversing rivers, and braving dense jungles, these individuals safeguard the planet’s 40 species of wild cats and countless other creatures: they are rangers. Wildlife rangers are indispensable champions in the global effort to preserve Earth’s biodiversity. 

Panthera plays a crucial role in this mission by providing vital support to rangers and patrols worldwide, ensuring the protection of precious wildlife. In Malaysia, for example, a study found that tactices developed by PERHILITAN (Malaysia’s Department of Parks and Wildlife) tactics in conjunction with Panthera’s civilian scout teams, reduced the success of foreign poaching incursions in research sites by up to 40 percent.

Despite these achievements, numerous misconceptions persist about wildlife rangers and their roles. In honor of World Ranger Day, we're providing an insightful glimpse into the daily lives of these crucial conservationists. 

Where Do Rangers Roam?

Ranger Day 3

A ranger protects and preserves natural areas, including areas that have cultural and historical value. 

What Tasks Do Rangers Perform?

Ranger Day 1

Rangers patrol protected lands, prevent poaching and mitigate human-wildlife conflict, accommodate tourists who visit the area and collaborate with local communities. 

How Do Rangers Track Wildlife?

Ranger Day 2

Rangers monitor and record wildlife populations while protecting their landscapes. 

How Do Rangers Help Wild Cats?

Bengal tiger

For the 40 wild cat species, rangers ensure their survival by protecting them, other wildlife that these felines depend upon, and maintaining the overall biodiversity of the area. 

How Can You Get Involved? 

To learn more about rangers, visit the Universal Ranger Support Alliance or read our past blogs about rangers