Test Your Jaguar Knowledge

By Ross Rosenthal
Marketing and Communications Specialist

Jaguar in the Pantanal

Today, International Jaguar Day, is our celebration of the world’s largest spotted cat. All over the globe, from Argentina to Mexico and beyond, jaguar researchers, scientists and supporters will gather and honor this iconic wild cat.  

Revered in ancient Mesoamerican cultures, the jaguar has great significance for people throughout their range. These wild cats are extremely important to their ecosystems, serving as apex carnivores that eat a large variety of foods from tapirs to dolphins. However, jaguars are at risk of decline. Poaching, habitat loss, and human-wildlife conflict are detrimental to the jaguar’s chances to survive and thrive. 

To reverse this disheartening trend, Panthera’s Jaguar Program works on several major fronts. We study and monitor jaguar populations across the Americas to ensure that the core populations and corridors throughout jaguar range — “The Jaguar Corridor” — remains connected. Our teams help to reduce human-jaguar conflict by building livestock fences and other safe, carnivore-proof defenses on local farms. This work ensures that both cattle and hungry jaguars do not have to lose their lives. Finally, Panthera promotes ecotourism in the Brazilian Pantanal and provides education with Escuela Jaguar (Jaguar School) in Colombia to educate future leaders about the importance of jaguar conservation. 

Imagine you’re a student at Escuela Jaguar learning about this big cat for the first time. What are the basics of a conservation-based education? Take our quiz, Cat Fact or Cat Fiction: Jaguars, to find out! Consider this your Jaguar School entrance exam. Tomar el cuestionario en español aquí.


Learn more about jaguars and make sure to share this quiz with a friend!