Continuing the Tiger Promise

By Phillip Retuta
Social Media and Campaign Lead

Tiger eyes hiding behind leaves

Lunar New Year celebrations may be drawing to a close with, but 2022 still remains the Year of the Tiger. Despite the global observance of these majestic creatures as a zodiac icon, tigers are critically endangered throughout parts of the Eastern Hemisphere. There are only around 4,500 tigers remaining in the wild, and their numbers are dwindling due to illegal hunting and the destruction of their natural habitats.

Panthera – along with five other NGO’s – are tirelessly working to conserve and protect the tiger population through our collective Global Tiger Initiative and Global Tiger Recovery Program. As the largest of all wild cats with such a dangerously low population, the world’s leading animal conservation organizations are coming together to save the tigers. So how can you help? 

We started the year with the Tiger Promise, but even after Lunar New Year celebrations end, we want to continue our commitment in saving the tigers and supporting the human advocates who wish to protect their numbers — so we can keep celebrating the Year of the Tiger in 2034, 2046 and so on, with a beautiful wild cat that can continue to exist in real life!

You can show you’re dedicated to the Tiger Promise by printing one of these certificates and sharing your photos on social media. These certificates spread awareness of these endangered species and show your support:

English.pdf  |  French.pdf  |  Thai.pdf  |  Chinese.pdf   |  Spanish.pdf  |  Portuguese.pdf

By simply taking the Tiger Promise, you take this modest pledge:

  • Help raise awareness about the crisis facing wild tigers by educating yourself and sharing factual, timely information with your friends and family; 
  • Not buy or use products containing (or saying they contain) tiger or other wildlife parts, including Traditional Medicine like tiger plasters and tiger bone wine; 
  • Not buy or use trinkets or decorative items made from tigers or illegally traded wildlife parts; 
  • Refrain from using products containing unsustainable palm oil — a substance found in thousands of commonly used items that contributes to the wholesale destruction of wild cat habitat; 
  • Not visit or support attractions that offer opportunities to handle wild cats, including petting and feeding, walking or taking photos with them; 
  • When planning a zoo visit, look for local WAZA, EAZA, AZA and other accredited zoos that contribute to wild tiger conservation; 
  • Wherever you live, vote for government representatives and legislation that protect endangered species; 
  • Stand up for science! 
  • Contribute to organizations like Panthera that are protecting tigers in the wild and recovering their population. 

Be sure to share your official Tiger Promise images with us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. We also have a virtual sticker you can use.

You can also learn more about tigers or stay updated with our work in Southeast Asian by checking out Panthera Thailand’s official Facebook page.